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Neubauer, W, S., F, Trinks, I, Hinterleitner, A, Löcker, K & Seren, S 2013, High-resolution multi-channel GPR survey of the Roman town Flavia Solva in Austria. in W Neubauer, I Trinks, RB Salisbury & C Einwögerer (Hrsg.), Archaeological Prospection. Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften (ÖAW), Wien, S. 171-172.
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Hinterleitner, A, Neubauer, W & Trinks, I 2013, Removing the influence of vehicles used in motorized magnetic prospection systems. in W Neubauer, I Trinks, RB Salisbury & C Einwögerer (Hrsg.), Archaeological Prospection. Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften (ÖAW), Wien, S. 384-386.
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Stika, H-P & Heiss, AG 2013, Seeds from the Fire: Charred Plant Remains from Kristian Kristiansen's excavations in Sweden, Denmark, Hungary and Sicily. in S Bergerbrant & S Sabatini (Hrsg.), Counterpoint: Essays in Archaeology and Heritage Studies in Honour of Professor Kristian Kristiansen. Archaeopress, Oxford, BAR International Series, Bd. 2508, S. 77-86. <,%20Heiss%20AG%202013c.pdf>
Heiss, AG, Kohler-Schneider, M, Szunyogh, I, Klement, M, Sperl, I, König, M, Sam, S, Zingerle, M-C, Schretzmayr, B, Lauermann, E & Pacher, MW 2013, 'Seeds from the Ivory Tower — How Archaeobotany goes Public at the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna (BOKU), Austria', Beitrag in 16th Symposium of the IWGP, Thessaloniki, Griechenland, 17/06/13 - 22/06/13.
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Zeige Ergebnisse 1051 - 1100 von 1885