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Information and Services


The University of Vienna offers a broad network of information and contact points for all questions and problems relating to your studies. Here you will find information on all aspects of studying - from choosing a course of study to everyday student life:



StudienServiceStelle Urgeschichte und Historische Archäologie


The StudiesServiceCenter (SSC) is the central contact point for students at the institute and offers advice on all questions relating to study organisation and study law.
The study programme director and the Student representatives of studies in Prehistoric and Historical Archaeology are also available to assist you. Inquiries are handled by email, telephone or in person during opening hours.

The study program director and the Student representatives of studies in Prehistoric and Historical Archaeology are also available to assist you.

Sarah Setz

  • Study program director assistent
  • +43-1/4277-40481

Julia Unger

  • StudiesServiceCenter (SSC)
  • +43-1-4277-40482

Opening hours StudiesServiceCenter (SSC)

Opening hours in February 2024

Tuesday 10-12am
Wednesday 10-12am
Thursday 10-12am

Franz-Klein-Gasse 1
A-1190 Wien
4th floor, room 4.21

Please send your requests via email to Always use your u:account.

Prehistory and Historical Archaeology

If you have specific questions about the courses offered by the Department for Prehistory and Historical Archaeology

are available to help.

StudiesServiceCenter (SSC)

Administration of academic qualifying theses: Registration and submission of diploma and master theses and PhD dissertations as well as associated administrative requirements

Registration for final examinations

Issuance of diplomas

Registration for a committee examinations

Issuance of certificates for the first diploma examination in teaching curricula (old Diploma study programmes)

Administration of all matters concerning the doctoral programme (following admission to the programme)

Nostrification / Recognition of foreign degrees

General information regarding organisation of studies and study law (independent of study programme

SSS for the Department of Prehistoric and Historical Archaeology

StudiesServiceUnit (SSStn)

Supports the Directorate of Study Programmes (SPL) with the planning and administration of courses and examinations.

Information and consultations specific to the study programme

Management of the registration system for continuous assessment courses (seminars, practical courses, etc.) excluding doctoral studies

Management of the registration system for course examinations and module examinations

Contact point for transfer credits (not including doctoral studies):
Support, submission and collecting certificates of recognition

Submission of examination records (not including doctoral studies)

Directorate of Study Programmes (SPL)

It is necessary to contact the SPL directly in only a few specific cases: Please turn to the SSC and the appropriate SSSt in all matters first!

Planning the course offerings based on demand

Quality assurance in the areas of study programmes and teaching

Opinion statements in the context of admission procedures

Decisions related to academic content (for example, the recognition of examinations)

Approval of proposed examiners / examination panels

Responsible for content in regard to completion certificates / diplomas 

Chairperson at

  • PhD defenses 
  • Committee examinations

Supervisory control over the SSC and SSSt

Current information on semester operations:

General questions about studying are answered on the Studying at the University of Vienna page.