emer. o. Univ.-Prof. Dr. Andreas Lippert


  • University of Vienna - Department of Prehistoric and Historical Archaeology Franz-Klein-Gasse 1, A-1190 Vienna, Austria
  • Email: andreas.lippert@univie.ac.at

Teaching at the University of Vienna

Portrait of Andreas Lippert


Andreas Lippert is a prehistoric archaeologist with a research focus on the Central European Bronze and Iron Ages. As a professor in Innsbruck and Vienna, he has carried out numerous excavations at Copper, Bronze and Iron Age as well as early medieval sites in Lower Austria, Salzburg, Styria and Tyrol. His research focussed on questions of landscape archaeology and prehistoric ore mining, for example at the Götschenberg and the Pestfriedhof in Bischofshofen. He was director of the Austrian excavations at Kordlar-Tepe (Persian-West Azerbaijan) from 1971 to 1978, director of the excavations at the site of the Late Neolithic Iceman (Ötzi) at Tisenjoch 1991-1992, and director of the excavations at the Middle Neolithic tell in Gornja Tusla (Bosnia-Herzegovina) 2005-2006. Andreas Lippert has organised numerous symposia, such as the International Symposium on the Eastern Hallstatt Culture in Sopron in 1994 (with E. Jerem), the International Workshop on Man and Environment during the Neolithic and Early Bronze Age in Central Europe in 1995 (with M. Schultz, S. Shennan and M. Teschler-Nicola) and the interdisciplinary symposium on the Drava, Mura and Raba regions in the 1st millennium BC in Bad Radkersburg in 2000. Exhibitions curated by Andreas Lippert include "Early Life in the Alps" at the University of Innsbruck (with K. Spindler) and the travelling exhibition "The Illyrians", which was shown in Asparn a. d. Zaya, Wels, Klagenfurt (Austria), Heuneburg-Sigmaringen and Kehlheim (Germany). He is a committee member of the Anthropological Society in Vienna and the Austrian Society for Prehistory and Early History as well as a scientific advisor to the Via Aurea (Paths of Tauern Gold), Hofgastein.

Key Research Topics

  • Alpine Neolithic
  • Bronze- and early Iron Age in Central Europe
  • Archaeology of the Illyrians

Prizes and awards

1989: Culture prize of the Salzburg district capital St. Johann im Pongau


Andreas Lippert is the author and editor of numerous monographs and anthologies, and has written a large number of journal articles and book contributions. A list of his publications is available here.


Lippert, A. and J. Matzinger. 2021. The Illyrians. History, archaeology and language. Universitätsforschungen zur prähistorischen Archäologie 393. Bonn: Habelt

Lippert, A., and Stadler, P. 2009. Das spätbronze- und früheisenzeitliche Gräberfeld von Bischofshofen-Pestfriedhof. Universitätsforschungen zur prähistorischen Archäologie 168. Bonn: Habelt.

Lippert, A. 1992. Der Götschenberg bei Bischofshofen. Eine ur- und frühgeschichtliche Höhensiedlung im Salzachpongau. Mitteilungen der Prähistorischen Kommission 27. Wien: Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften.

Lippert, A. 1972. Das Gräberfeld von Welzelach (Osttirol). Eine Bergwerksnekropole der späten Hallstattzeit. Antiquitas 3.12. Bonn: Habelt.

Academic Career

1 October 2010: Retirement

1 February 1992: Appointment as Full Professor of Prehistory and Early History at the University of Vienna

1976-1992: Associate Professor at the Institute of Prehistory and Early History at the University of Innsbruck

1968-1975: University Assistant at the Institute of Prehistory and Early History at the University of Innsbruck (Habilitation 1972)

1967: Employed in the Prehistoric Department of the Natural History Museum in Vienna and worked on the reorganisation of the display collection

Academic Education

1972: Habilitation with the topic „The late Hallstatt period in Carinthia and East Tyrol“

1964: Diploma in Etruscology at the Università per Stranieri in Perugia

1967: Doctorate (Dr. phil.) at the University of Vienna with the dissertation topic "The Avar Age cemetery of Zwölfaxing in Lower Austria"

1961-1967: Studied prehistory and early history at the universities of Vienna, Bonn and Edinburgh

Website content: K. Rebay-Salisbury, November 2023