Priv.-Doz. Mag. Dr. Peter C. Ramsl


Teaching at the University of Vienna

Portrait of Peter C. Ramsl


Peter C. Ramsl is a university assistant with a focus on Iron Ages and currently leads the FWF project "Celts Across The Alps" (CATA). His research on the European Iron Ages deals with human identities and social relations, their mobility and possible migrations as well as dietary habits. This is gained through a combination of interdisciplinary methodological approaches. Current research also addresses, among other things, insights into social and biological gender and the impact of violence and war on societies. As part of the current FWF project, he and his research team are analyzing the relationships of Latène-period cemeteries from the Traisen Valley in Lower Austria with those from northern Italy near Bologna and Mantova.
At the same time, excavations at the late Hallstatt "princely seat" of Mont Lassois have been carried out since 2022 in collaboration with Dr. Bruno Chaume (CNRS, Université de Bourgogne, PCR Vix) and Thomas Pertlwieser (Univ. Vienna).

Key Research Topics

  • Middle and Central European Iron Age
  • "Celtic" Archaeology
  • Migration and Mobility
  • Gender and Identity
  • War and violence in Prehistory


2023-2026: CATA - Celts Across The Alps

1998-2000: FWF Projekt P12531-SPR "Wirtschaftliche Grundlagen und soziale Struktur der eisenzeitlichen Einwohner des Traisentals, Niederösterreich" (Einreichung: J.-W Neugebauer; Ausführung: P. C. Ramsl)              

2002-2005: FWF Projekt P15977-G02 "Das keltische Gräberfeld von Mannersdorf" (Einreichung:  Anton Kern; Ausführung: P. C. Ramsl)                  

2002-2005: APART Projekt (10/2001) - "Migrationsphänomene in der Frühlatènekultur"                                       

2010: MOEL Spendium -"Besondere Aspekte zwischen Mähren und Ostösterreich während der La Tène Zeit" (Brno, CZ)                                                                       

2010/2011: MOEL+ Stipendium -"Keltische Identitäten, Migrationsphänomene und die dazugehörigen archäologischen Fundorte" (Nitra, SK)                                       

2010-2014: FWF Projekt P23517-G19 "Kelten im Traisental"                               

2016-2018: SASPRO/Marie Curie (Slowakische Akademie der Wiss.) - "Male Identity of La Tène Period Cemeteries in the Middle Danube Area"

2022-2024: Archaeological excavations at the late Hallstatt "princely seat" at Mont Lassois (Dép. Côte-d'Or, France) in collaboration with Dr. Bruno Chaume (CNRS, Université de Bourgogne, PCR Vix) and Thomas Pertlwieser (Univ. Vienna).


Member of 'Human Evolution & Archeological Sciences' (HEAS)

Hallmetals-Archaeometallurgical analyses on metals from the famous Iron Age cemetery of Hallstatt, Austria (Dr. Ing. Mathias Mehofer, VIAS, University Vienna)

The Ancient Origin of Cystic Fibrosis (Prof. PhD. Phil Farrell, Wisconsin, USA)

Mobilität und Migration eisenzeitlicher Eliten (Prof. Dr. Kurt Alt, Mainz, D)

Ancient DNA in Iron Age cemeteries in Middle Europe (MPI Leipzig, D; Koordinator für Ost-Mittel Europa)



S. Sievers, O.H. Urban, P. C. Ramsl: Lexikon zur keltischen Archäologie (2 Bände, ca. 2000 Artikel, über 300 Autoren), Österr. Akademie der Wissenschaften - Wien 2012

P. C. Ramsl Diversity of Female Identities in the Early La Tène Period in the Middle Danube Regions, in: M. Dizdar (Ed.), Iron Age Female Identities in the southern Carpathian Basin, Zbornik Instituta za Arheologiju 19, Zagreb 2022, 86-98.

M. Karwowski, B. Komoróczy, P. C. Ramsl (eds.), Archaeological Studies of the Late Iron Age in Central Europe, Proceedings of the 15th International Conference of the Series “The La Tène Period in Bohemia, Moravia and Slovakia” (“Doba laténská v Čechách, na Moravě a na Slovensku”) in Klement-Oberleis, Brno 2021 - ISBN 978-80-7524-045-3

A. Kocher et al. (P. C. Ramsl), Ten millennia of hepatitis B virus evolution. Science 374, 2021, 182-188.

Member of editorial board: Acta Musei Moraviae - Scientiae sociales (Brno, CZ), Študijné Zvesti Archeologické Ústav, Slovenskej Akadémie Vied (Nitra, SK), Monographiae Instituti Archaeologici (Zagreb, KRO)

Outreach Activities

Archaology projects at primary schools (Celts, Romans)

Radio Ö1 - ("Betrifft: Geschichte") - "Die Kelten - Europäer der Eisenzeit" 2015

Internet: popular knowledge transfer:

Academic Career

Since 2020: Research Assistant at the University of Vienna (Iron Age)

2016-2018: Senior Scientist-Project Manager/Marie Curie Fellow - SASPRO der Slowakischen Akademie der Wissenschaften "Male identities in La Tène cemeteries in the middle Danube area"

2015: Post-Doc Scientist, IAD/NHM Vienna

2010-2014: Project Manager FWF-Project "Celts at the Traisen Valley" – Austrian Academy of Scientist, NHM Vienna

Since 2010: Lecturer at the Universities of Vienna, Innsbruck (A); Nitra (SK); as well as Brno and Olomouc (CZ)

2010: Post-Doc Scientist, Brno (CZ)

2007-2010: Editor at the Austrian Academy of Sciences (Lexikon zur Keltischen Archäologie)

2006: Research Associate at the Archäologie Service

2002-2005: Project Manager at the Austrian Academy of Sciences (FWF, APART)

1998-2001: Pre-doctoral researcher (FWF project staff) at the University of Vienna

Academic Education

2010: Habilitation in Prehistory at the University of Vienna. Title: Studien zu Phänomenen der La Tène Kultur: Lokal - Regional - International. (Reviewers: J. Bujna, A. Lang, A. Krenn-Leeb, A. Weiss)

2000: Dr. phil. in Prehistory and Early History at the University of Vienna. Title: Das eisenzeitliche Gräberfeld von Pottenbrunn, Niederösterreich. (Supervisors: J.-W. Neugebauer, O. H. Urban)

1996: Mag. phil. in prehistory and early history at the University of Vienna. Title:Die späthallstatt-/frühlatènezeitliche Siedlung von Inzersdorf-Walpersdorf, Niederösterreich. (Supervisors: J.-W. Neugebauer, O. H. Urban)

1987-1996: Studied Prehistory and Early History, History and Ethnology at the University of Vienna

Website content: P. Ramsl, July 2024