Ass.-Prof. Mag. Dr. Alois Stuppner


  • University of Vienna - Institute of Prehistory and Historical Archaeology
    Franz-Klein-Gasse 1, A-1190 Vienna
  • Email:
  • Phone: +43-1-4277-40455
  • Office hours: by appointment

Courses at the University of Vienna

Portrait of Alois Stuppner


Alois Stuppner specializes in early medieval archaeology of Central Europe and teaches courses on the Roman Imperial Period and Late Antiquity at the Institute of Prehistory and Historical Archaeology. His research focuses on Late Antique settlements, particularly Oberleiserberg in Lower Austria, as well as settlement structures during the Roman and Migration periods in the Grafenwörth region.

As the curator of the study collection, he is responsible for the digital cataloging of the collection and incorporates it as a workshop into the teaching of the theory, methodology, and practice of collection sciences. Alois Stuppner is also responsible for the public relations of the Institute of Prehistory and Historical Archaeology.

Since 1993, he has organized the annual International Symposium "Basic Problems of Early Historical Development in the Middle Danube Region" in collaboration with the Austrian Archaeological Institute of the Austrian Academy of Sciences and partner institutes in Brno, Nitra, and the University of Cologne.

Key Research Topics

  • Early medieval archaeology of Central Europe: Roman Imperial Period, Late Antiquity, and Migration Period
  • Archaeological cultures of the Euro-Mediterranean region
  • Roman period and early medieval archaeology of the southern Central Alps
  • Research history


Oberleiserberg – a Late Antique hilltop settlement

Digital cataloging of the study collection

Corpus of Roman finds in the Austrian Barbaricum (CRFB, in collaboration with Univ.-Prof. Theune-Vogt)

Settlement structures during the Roman and Migration periods in the Grafenwörth region

Hilltop settlements of the 4th and 5th centuries AD

Oberleiserberg during the time of the Salian dynasty

The Germanic settlement of Zaingrub, Lower Austria. Analysis of excavations from 1981-1985

Late Antique pottery from the Zwentendorf fortress excavations of 1953-1962

Settlement continuity from the Iron Age to the Middle Ages in the southern Central Alps

History of science and history of the study collection


2007-2011: Oberleiserberg - A Late Antique hilltop settlement, FWF Project P 20044

2002-2006: Oberleiserberg - A Late Antique hilltop settlement, FWF Project P 15925

1999-2002: Oberleiserberg - A Late Antique hilltop settlement, FWF Project P 13052



Herwig Friesinger, Alois Stuppner (Hrsg.), Akkulturationsphänomene beiderseits der Alpen in Antike und Frühmittelalter. Materialien des 22. Internationalen Symposiums „Grundprobleme der frühgeschichtlichen Entwicklung im mittleren Donauraum“, Lendorf (Kärnten), 30.11.-4.12. 2009. Archaeologia Austriaca 96, 2012 (Wien 2014).

Herwig Friesinger, Alois Stuppner (Hrsg.), Mensch und Umwelt ‒ Öko-archäologische Probleme in der Frühgeschichte. Materialien des 17. Internationalen Symposiums „Grundprobleme der frühgeschichtlichen Entwicklung im mittleren Donauraum“, Wien, 29.11.‒ 3.12.2004. Mitteilungen der Prähistorischen Kommission (Wien 2014).

Alois Stuppner, Violetta Reiter, Die Studiensammlung des Institutes für Ur- und Frühgeschichte der Universität Wien – Sammlung, Archäologische Funde, Digitalisierung. In: F. M. Müller (Hg.), Archäologische Universitätsmuseen und -sammlungen im Spannungsfeld von Forschung, Lehre und Öffentlichkeitsarbeit. Archäologie – Forschung und Wissenschaft 4 = Spectanda 3 (Wien, Berlin 2013) 529-542.

Academic Career

2001: Appointment as Assistant Professor at the University of Vienna

1996: Lectureship in the summer semester at the University of Innsbruck

1994: Appointment as University Assistant at the University of Vienna

Academic Education

1992 and 1993: Participation in International Postgraduate Courses: "The Philosophy and Techniques of Archaeological Survey" and "Spatial and Landscape Studies in Archaeology" for the implementation and interpretation of archaeological surveys at the University of Ljubljana

1992-1997: PhD studies. Dissertation on "Roman-Germanic Trade Based on Selected Sites"

1980-1991: Diploma studies in Prehistory and Classical Archaeology at the University of Vienna. Diploma thesis on "Roman Imported Pottery in Northern Lower Austria"

Website content: A. Stupner, November 2023