Mag. Ulrike Fornwagner
- University of Vienna - Institute of Prehistoric and Historical Archaeology
Franz-Klein-Gasse 1, A-1190 Vienna - Phone: +43 01 4277 40488
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Ulrike Fornwagner studied Classical Archaeology as well as Prehistoric and Historical Archaeology. Since 2014, she has been working as a research assistant at the Aerial Photograph Archive of the Institute of Prehistoric and Historical Archaeology at the University of Vienna. Her particular interests lie in aerial archaeology and the integrated archaeological evaluation of prospection data. She is involved in numerous projects, including the systematic landscape archaeological survey of northern and central Burgenland, cartographic documentation of the Leitha Valley, and the Roman city and surroundings of Carnuntum.
Key Research Topics
- Aerial archaeology
- Airborne remote sensing
- Integrated archaeological interpretation of prospection data
- Publications in u:cris
- Publications in
Klammer J., Doneus M., Fornwagner U., Fera M., Archaeological prospection on the basis of remote sensing data: Experiences and results of a systematic survey in northern and central Burgenland. In : Austrian journal for art and heritage conservation. LXXI, 1, 2017, PP. 54-61.
Doneus M., Fornwagner U., Liem J., C. Sevara, APIS - A Digital Inventory of Archaeological Heritage Based on Remote Sensing Data. In: ISPRS Annals of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences. 4, 2W2, 2017, PP. 67-73.
Doneus Michael, Fera Martin, Zámolyi András, Draganits Erich, Fornwagner Ulrike, Remote Sensing and Environmental Archaeology: Mapping a river system and predicting the location of archaeological sites in the Leitha-valley (Austria). In: Abstracts. XVII World UISPP Congress, 1-7 Sept. 2014. Burgos 2014, 358.
Doneus M., Fornwagner U., Kiedl C., APIS - Archaeological Prospection Information System. In: Neubauer W., Trinks I., Salisbury R.B., Einwögerer C. (eds.), Archaeological Prospection, Vienna 2013, p. 317 f.
Doneus M., Briese C., Fera M., Fornwagner U., Griebl M., Janner M., Zingerle M-C. 2007, Documentation and Analysis of Archaeological Sites Using Aerial Reconnaissance and Airborne Laser Scanning. In: A. Georgoupulos (Ed.), Anticipating the future of the cultural past. Proceedings of the XXIst International Symposium CIPA, Athens 2007, The International Archives of Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol. XXXVI-5/C53, 2007, 275-280.
U. Fornwagner, On the hermeneutics of the miniature frieze from the western house at Akrotiri, Thera. 2004.
U. Fornwagner, The frescoes in the church of Agios Georgios(?). In: N. Schlager and co-workers, Minoan to Recent Ruins in the Far East of Crete, ÖJH 66, 1997 Beibl. 70-73.
Academic Career
Since 2014: Research assistant at the Aerial Photograph Archive of the Institute of Prehistoric and Historical Archaeology at the University of Vienna
2017-2019: Research assistant in the Interreg project Iron-Age-Danube, Monumentalised Early Iron Age Landscapes in the Danube Region
2013-2014, 2016: Prospection in Burgenland, aerial reconnaissance, aerial archaeological interpretation, archiving
2010-2014: Research assistant at the Institute for Prehistoric and Historical Archaeology, University of Vienna
2007-2009: Aerial archaeological interpretation and mapping of the civil town of Carnuntum, its surrounding area and the ancient roads Carnuntum-Gerulata, Carnuntum-Scarbantia and Carnuntum-Vindobona
2006: Research assistant in the project "Prehistoric and Ancient Traffic Routes in the Eastern Alps", Austrian Academy of Sciences (project leader ao. Univ.-Prof. Dr. O. Urban), orthorectification, mapping and archaeological interpretation of aerial photographs of the Eastern Alps region
2003-2005: Research assistant in the project P16449 of the Austrian Science Fund "The Celts in the hinterland of Carnuntum" (project management Univ.-Prof. Mag. Dr. M. Doneus), orthorectification, mapping and archaeological interpretation of aerial photographs
Academic Education
Currently: Doctoral studies on the integrated archaeological interpretation of remote sensing and geophysical prospection data at the Institute of Prehistoric and Historical Archaeology at the University of Vienna
2012: International Technical Workshop Remote Sensing Techniques in Archaeological Research (RESTAR), IMS - F.O.R.T.H., Ret
Since 2011: Associated Fellow at IC-ArchPro, University of Vienna
2006: Socrates Erasmus Intensive Program RESPAL (Remote Sensing for Past Landscapes), Department of Archaeology, University of Ljubljana
2004: Mag. phil. in Classical Archaeology in combination with Pre- and Early History, Ancient History, and English/American Studies at the University of Vienna
Website content: U. Fornwagner, November 2023